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Genetic Testing and Counseling

If you have a family history of cancer, call us today.

Recent research has shown a link between cancer and genes, and the Genetic Counseling Program at New Mexico Cancer Center can help you understand your risk of developing cancer. Our team of Darling Horcasitas PA-C and Annette Fontaine MD have been specially trained by the City of Hope Genetics Program – a National Cancer Institute-designated Comprehensive Cancer Center – to perform cancer-related genetic counseling. We created this program to help New Mexicans determine their risk for cancer and create a plan to possibly prevent it.

What to expect during your first visit

During the appointment, a personal history will be created to discover any possible cancer patterns, and we’ll conduct a physical examination to make sure cancer isn’t already present. Blood may also be drawn to look for specific mutations that cause a family to have increased risks of specific cancer types. Once blood work has been processed, another counseling session will be scheduled to determine the risk to the individual, to assess if other family members may be at risk and to set up a plan for reduction of the risk and appropriate screening.

Who should undergo genetic counseling?

Candidates for genetic counseling include:

  • Anyone with a family member who developed a cancer before the age of 50, especially if the cancer was breast, colon, ovarian or uterine. Other family cancers include stomach, ureteral, biliary tract, pancreas, melanoma and brain tumors;
  • People who are of Ashkenazi Jewish descent with a family member with breast or ovarian cancer occurring at any age;
  • Anyone with a male family member who had breast cancer; or
  • Anyone with a family member with more than one type of cancer

Annette C. Fontaine MD

Medical Oncologist, CMO

Your Strongest Ally to Conquer Cancer


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